Fodder Beet

Fodder beet – Variety UpBeet variety (uncertified)

Orange skinned, white fleshed, bulb 65% above ground,

Mangel type softer bulb 11-14%DM

Bare seed with fungicide treatment

Pelleted seed for precision planting

Bare Seed for precision planting

Multigerm seed -some double bulbs

Germination 90 -98% (supplied)

Can be used for all drilling techniques eg. precision planting, direct drilling, roller drilling, board cast

Precision sowing suggested 80,000 - 100,000 live seeds / ha,

Conventional other drilling type 120,000 seeds / ha (counts given)

Strong bolting resistance


Fodder beet is a crop with high yield potential that offers many benefits for farming, including adding body condition to cows and can have less environmental impact than other feeds. Growing fodder beet requires attention to details like paddock selection, and it must be managed correctly to ensure the health of your cows, its long shelf life, and low nitrogen content, Ensure proper transitioning to reduce acidosis and other health risks.

Fodder beet has a lot to offer when managed correctly. It has a high yield potential and its high energy is great for putting body condition on cows.

A feed with low nitrogen content can help reduce nitrate leaching when it substitutes high-N pasture or supplementary feed.


  • Environmental challenges that exist when grazing forage crops,

  • Feed supply: cropping paddocks out of rotation over spring can cause a feed pinch.

  • Avoiding acidosis: transition cows carefully on to crop and make sure that cows meet their full nutritional requirements while on crop, this requires attention to detail throughout the feeding period.